About The Author
Laban Nyachikanda is the co-founder and Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Ministries with affiliate Churches in Zambia and South Africa. His vision and mission is to equip saints for effective and sustainable ministry of loving, serving, reaching out and never giving up. He is often referred to as one of the founding fathers of the charismatic movement that swept the country in the late seventies in Zambia that saw many young people translated into the kingdom of God and others answered the call to go into ‘full time’ ministries. Laban’s faith and revelation has impacted many people both in the church and circular world to live a life of integrity and zeal for the Lord.
He and his wife Dorothy, have four children Andrew, Ackim, Kathleen and Laban Jr. They are proud grandparents of Marley Grace, Macee Faith and Micah David from their second eldest son Ackim and his wife Leslierose. All their children love the Lord and are involved in ministry.